Be Heard
Learn about the beader who breathes life into her craft and helps others Be Heard through her beadwork!
My Beading Journey
Gwe’! I’m Marsha, the bead artist behind Be Heard Beadwork.
Passionate Beginnings
I’m Mi’gmaw from Listuguj in the traditional territory of Mi’gma’gi. I started learning how to bead from my family members as a child. Growing up in the Mi’gmaw language within Listuguj was a place of comfort. It helped me appreciate the different voices, messages and lessons in my ancestral language. This knowledge was often passed on to me while spending time with my family members. This happened organically as they worked on their own beading and sewing projects.

Staying Connected To My Roots
I continued beading occasionally throughout my childhood. I reconnected with beading more regularly in 2015. I was in graduate school at the time in a large urban city. While I was away from home, beading helped me to remain grounded. It also helped me to become more focused and mindful about the world around me. Beading was important for staying connected with family and community. It was especially helpful for me to remain active within my culture.
In 2020, Be Heard Beadwork was created. During that summer, I began devoting more time to beading. I also started sharing my work with others on social media. My style includes a blend of traditional materials and contemporary influences. To my surprise, I got a lot of positive responses from family and friends about my beadwork. I started getting requests to buy my beaded accessories. This lead me to devote more time to starting my first business, Be Heard Beadwork!
Forging the Future
Through beading, I have been able to meet and connect with an incredible community of Indigenous bead artists. I continue to learn and be inspired by them everyday! I reflect this knowledge into each beaded product that I design. As you will see throughout my shop, each piece is carefully created with good energy, focus and respect of Netukulimk.
Thank you for visiting my shop. I hope you find a piece that speaks to you, makes you smile and adds flair to your style.